(Published on all poetry.com , Internetpoem.com and poetrysoup.com)
Before you arrive
Many things have already come
A collage of memories like a wave of wind
The seductive scent of a smile
The sound of soft footsteps
A small shower of enthusiasm
your most beautiful picture captured in my soul
They have already arrived before you arrive
The most beloved word in the voice
The rhythm of the beating heart when approaching
Happy calves falling from the eyes
Bright twinkle of favorite face
Magical music that resonates in the mind
They have already arrived before you arrive
The sky of a completeness in love
They have already arrived before you arrive.
Before you arrive
Many things have already come
A collage of memories like a wave of wind
The seductive scent of a smile
The sound of soft footsteps
A small shower of enthusiasm
your most beautiful picture captured in my soul
They have already arrived before you arrive
The most beloved word in the voice
The rhythm of the beating heart when approaching
Happy calves falling from the eyes
Bright twinkle of favorite face
Magical music that resonates in the mind
They have already arrived before you arrive
The sky of a completeness in love
They have already arrived before you arrive.